
On Burnley Road, book reviews, articles

Process North’s Mike Waite is the author of On Burnley Road: Class, race and politics in a northern English town (2021, Lawrence Wishart Books).  It’s received positive reviews, including in The Guardian,  London Review of Books, Ethnic and Racial StudiesPatterns of Prejudice and the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Amongst Mike’s articles linked to the book is this on memories of deindustrialisation.

The Spring 2024 issue of the journal Soundings carries a ‘follow-up’ article on recent political developments in Burnley, where half the Labour councillors resigned in protest at their party leadership’s stance on the conflict in Gaza.

The latest book review on this site is a of a new book which explores how approaches of the Frankfurt School can be applied to critique and counter antisemitism today – a moment in which this is a most crucial task, as is the need to counter many other forms of othering and racism, including Islamophobia.

For the Process North archive of previously published reviews, click here. Themes covered include good practice in conflict resolution; understanding and responding to extremism; and communications and media.

And click here for a discussion piece offering a provisional consideration of the relevance of Chantal Mouffe’s thought for conflict resolution work.